Reply To: gateshead old seminary info???

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thinking jew

Gateshead Old is by far the best seminary out there. It is probably also one of the oldest.

First of all the fact that it is a three year course as opposed to one year makes you internalize what you learn in a very storng way. It becomes part of your life as oppose to floating on a cloud somewhere for a year and then crashing down to earth.

Also most seminaries stuff you with lots and lots of knowledge but Gateshead actually trains you how to think, it changes your way of thinking forever gives you a deeper life!

They also teach you to really appreciate Torah, not to just want to marry a “learning boy” but to actually appreciate every minute that your husband is learning, to really feel that every word of Torah is priceless!

Also a tremendous advantage is that your teachers are all Rabbanim. not ladies. and chushuva rabbanim at that.

and as someone mentioned you can create exceptionally meaningful relationships being that you live with these girls in a dorm for three full years.

If you are an intelligent young woman and would like more than just a wonderful experience, you want a better quality of life, then old gateshead seminary is a great choice.

good luck getting in.