Reply To: muffin question – any bakers out there?

Home Forums Kosher Cooking! Recipes Cookies, Cakes & Pies muffin question – any bakers out there? Reply To: muffin question – any bakers out there?


Thanks for responses!

BP – No, I am not Mrs. BP masquerading… :o)

jl – actually, the white chips were added second – so, first I added the dark chips, and put that batter in muffin tins, then added the white chips to the remaining batter. So I guess it should have been the other way. BUT

hudi – yes, they were fake white chips. so maybe lighter (altho the real, dark choco. didn’t sink – they were quite evenly distributed)

niki – It is a banana bread recipe that I simply poured into muffin tins instead. I’ve done it before; usually they don’t rise, and that’s Ok. But the contrast between the white and dark was so obvious here, I just got curious………….