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“Actually, the people I know who got rid of their TVs are only a few years older than I, and did it maybe 2 years ago.”
Ok fine. Thats impressive, but they still shouldnt have had it to begin with. It has no place in a Torah home.
All I want to say is that a person has to be honest with themselves.
I dont like being negative, but people today are all about fooling themselves. They talk frum look frum…but they arent. What a person does behind closed doors is the true measure of who they are and their real frumkiet. If a guy wears the yeshivish clothing, goes to yeshivah, passes himself off as mister frum but he watches dvds in his house (on a regular basis I dont mean one a year) hes a faker. Same for the girls. This also applies to non Jewish music, magazines, novels, and other secular media…
A Torah house is a sanctuary. Its a mikdash miat. A mini beis hamikdosh. If someone brings the filth of the street into his/her home, that home is not a Torah home.
“I said so many times that I DO NOT want TV/Movis in my house. I also mentioned in a different post (a while back) that I want my children to grow up with every advantage both materialistic AND (more importantly) spiritual, this means alleviating any doubts I may have had from the get go. I want them to grow up in a house where they are ALWAYS sure where they have NO doubts and where they are always excited to be a Yid. I know that may seem ideallistic, but that is my dream.”
You said this on another thread. Well its a beautiful dream to have but if you want your kids to be excited about being a Yid, the only way to do that is for you to be excited to be a Yid and anybody hooked up to secular culture isnt very excited to be a Yid and will not be able to give over such excitement to a child. Kids are very keen and they pick up on what their parents care most about. You can preach Yiddishkiet to your kids, but if your actions in any way are not in accordance with what you preach they will see you as a liar, a hypocrite, and they will lose respect for you and the message.
Bottom line. Its gotta be real and that requires sacrifice.