Reply To: Lets Try To Be Sensitive!

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As many of you know I am on the Chevra Kadsha and believe me I’ve seen it all. from the most bizare to the downright disrespectful to the incredible heart wrenching kovod and over the many years I have learnt a solid lesson.

People say the dumbest things and behave in the most appalling way at funerals and shivas. BUT…. it is not always them being crass. It is often the reaction of embarrassment or feeling uncomfortable and not knowing how to behave.

As part of our training we were taught how to behave and speak from the time of Y’tzias Neshomo (and even before) through the funeral, shiva, shloishim and even The Year. We always guide people by offering the families small /leaflets booklets which are left at the funeral grounds or near the door on Shiva ettiquette to that guests may find useful.

On a lighter note there are always those who try so hard to get it right and land up getting it sooo wrong it makes you laugh. Naughty I know.