Reply To: Shmiras Ainayim & OTD

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Pashuteh Yid

There is some truth to the idea that these images ruin a person’s ruchniyus. One requires a geshmak and full immersion in his learning to succeed, and a feeling of Ashreinu mah tov chelkeinu when in front of a gemara. If a person sees these images, they become so addicting that his mind is on when will seder end so I can see the next one. This makes learning completely irritating and boring. One never develops a proper love of the gemara.

Nevertheless, one must realize that as hard as Yiddishkeit is, the world outside is very alluring, but in fact is often a cold, lonely place. People constantly insult and torture each other with cruel comments. Most Jewish kids have happy memories of high school, and very few incidents where they were insulted by classmates. In the world at large, many dread their reunion because of all the torture they experienced in school, both verbally and physically. if these kids would know what they are running away from, and what they are running towards, they would come back in a minute. They are under an illusion. This is the power of addiction.

Even parents have their nisyonos. In the last year, the internet has become far worse than it ever was. I am the last person to say the internet doesn’t have many great uses, and incredible knowledge is available at a click. But kids must be kept as far away as possible. I have the K9 filter, and I am still nervous when they go on. It is very hard being a parent these days.