Reply To: Some basic Halacha that is ignored in 100% of shuls by 99% of the Kahal

Home Forums Bais Medrash Some basic Halacha that is ignored in 100% of shuls by 99% of the Kahal Reply To: Some basic Halacha that is ignored in 100% of shuls by 99% of the Kahal



I just don’t know where you are coming from saying people don’t have Kavanah today. Second of all the Shechinah can be there even if we don’t have proper Kavanah, you will have to prove to me otherwise. As far as I understand it the second one launches into shemonah esrei the shechinah is there.

Furthermore, I got a psak based on the Tzdaddim, I also looked it up in a number of sfarim hebrew and english including Guidelines to tefillah and if there were a Heter he would mention it.

You can do what you want but don’t go ahead saying no one nowadays has Kavana because its a ridiculously arrogant and foolish statement. If the Kavana we have toda isn’t Kavana and the shechina doesn’t come then what point is there to daven? I’m bewildered that you can actually say such things and be serious about it!