Reply To: Some basic Halacha that is ignored in 100% of shuls by 99% of the Kahal

Home Forums Bais Medrash Some basic Halacha that is ignored in 100% of shuls by 99% of the Kahal Reply To: Some basic Halacha that is ignored in 100% of shuls by 99% of the Kahal



Yes we don’t have Kavana “like they used to” (you and your Rabbi decided NOBODY HAS KAVANA PERIOD! But there’s no mekor for that outlandish statement) and when not having Kavana LIKE THEY USED TO applies to Halacha it is mentioned CLEARLY as Shouldn’t Be Here quoted!! One cant fabricate Heteirim to walk in front of others who Daven Shemonah esrei when NOT ONE HALACHA SEFER brings such a heter or mentions such a Hava Amina!