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If Aleph and Beis testify that Gimmel murdered Daled, but then Hey and Vov testify that Aleph and Beis were with them elsewhere at the time they claimed to witness Gimmel murdering Daled.

In order for Hey and Vov to save Gimmel, and instead Aleph and Beis are executed, does Hey and Vov’s testimony have to come BEFORE Gimmel was convicted or AFTER Gimmel was convicted (but obviously prior to execution)?

If it is BEFORE conviction, what happens if they only make it to beis din AFTER conviction (i.e. they were coming from another city and arrived a little late)? Does Gimmel still get executed?

And if the halacha is the new testimony must come AFTER conviction (but prior to execution), what happens if the new witnesses testify BEFORE conviction (i.e. while Gimmel is still on trial)?

If memory serves me correctly, the testimony must come before conviction, otherwise the convict is executed even if additional witnesses testify the original witnesses were false.