Reply To: Three Generations Of Kollel Yungerleit?

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pet peeve

as long as there is Torah learning, there will be people to support it. i don’t know what will happen to the “system”, only time will tell, but i do know that even today, we still have far more jews in the workforce than we do in the learning force. it doesnt seem that way, but it is true.

system and politics aside, i think it would be a shame to discourage Torah learning as a way of life. as the generations continue to be yored, i would think that we need as much of a shmira from Torah as possilbe. i am not saying that people should continue to be encouraged to shnorr off their parents, something that i personally find quite distasteful, but i think it is a frightening thing to suggest that people discourage today’s generation (or next generation) from learning for extended periods of time to strengthen themselves in Torah.

it is not our place to worry about a whole system and who will take care of supporting Torah in the next dor. that is the cheshbon of Hashem. our job is to ensure that Torah learning, and subsequently a Torah lifestyle, does not slowly disappear in our quest to “fix a system”. let us teach the next generation be RESPONSIBLE about the way they choose to live their Torah lifestyle, without compromising on their idealistic values. we need Torah learning desperately in the world, lets not forget that.