Reply To: Three Generations Of Kollel Yungerleit?

Home Forums Controversial Topics Three Generations Of Kollel Yungerleit? Reply To: Three Generations Of Kollel Yungerleit?


Metrodriver, that’s beautiful in theory, but

a) what kind of part time work?

b) when do they get the training?

c) at that point can they get by on a part time salary?

This is kind of the theory of the learner/earner model, which in its truer form, of the boys already primed for working by the time they were married, could really prolong the learning of many. I know of a professional who was able to pull this off. Yes, he invested a few years of training (happened that he got married late) but he was working half day, learning 2 sedarim till his mid thirties. (I said prolong the learning of many; of course he, and others like him, are still seriously learning even though they work full time now.)