Reply To: Three Generations Of Kollel Yungerleit?

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Well said, but it will never happen.

Too many yeshivos & Kollelim will close.

There should be special Kollelim for Metzuyanim geared towards producing serious Talmidei Chachamim and Gedolim. I mean guys who are very intelligent and diligent who are prepared to become Rabbanim.

I hate to be picky, but I think both Chafetz Chaim and REITS? (YU Kollel) have such programs. There should be the ability to continue learning if you so desire without end, but why should you be supported/ get a kollel check/ get a tuition discount?

Personally, the Kollels I support have both Bechinos & attendance taken. I also have seen a program that many Kollel guys take tests (I forget what they are called) for extra cash; that can only be a good thing.

The current system is a joke and geared towards mediocrity and lack of accountability. We are mass producing lazy people that’s it.

As I have said, the easiest job in the world is Kollel Bochur. Problem is, what to do with them when they should leave and have no workforce skills.

Very good post.