Reply To: Goodbye friends!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Goodbye friends! Reply To: Goodbye friends!


The political conservative-liberal dispute was used as a mashal to the UO-MO squabbles here. The nimshal is so apt, it’s totally unnecessary to explain. If TYW is really Yeshivish and would like to keep it that way and raise the standards of the CR to a high level of intelligence and productivity, I invite the mods to read American Thinker, a conservative website. The mods there keep liberals’ comments to the barest minimum, so that instead of getting bogged down in endless, senselss back-and-forths with reality-challenged liberals, readers partake in the most intelligent discussions on the web. If we hadn’t wasted so much time explaining the basics of our mesorah, minhagim, chumros etc. to people who don’t want to understand, we could’ve discussed our problems unhindered by antagonistic, ridiculous arguments and we might have come up with real solutions. Let the MO create their own website where they might (but probably won’t) address their own problems instead of frum-bashing.