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Heres something to boost all of our self esteems’

Modeh Ani: Chasam Sofer – Because Hashem Believes In You!

Day after day we struggle through our challenges. A bracha here, a favor there, making time for Torah, a kind word, restraining from Lashon Hara, and on and on with and all the daily challenges we face. Some days are better than others but we are far from angels. Night after night our tarnished Neshamos go up to Shamayim showing off our daily mitzvos but also in need of a good cleansing from the dirt that accumulated that day.

Our bodies lie lifeless in our beds each morning waiting for Hashem to return our refreshed and clean Neshama to us and give us a new day of life. But why should He? Are we so fantastic that Hashem owes it to us for what we have done for Him? No. Did we do something in the past that proves that we are up to today’s challenges and will do Hashem proud without causing Him any anguish? Probably not.

Well, Hashem see things otherwise. The last two words of Modeh Ani are Rabba Emunasecha. This is normally translated to mean that our faith in Hashem is great and we are confident that He will give us another day of life, regardless of the score. However points out the Chasam Sofer, Emunasecha may not be the correct word for that context. Instead he offers a mind boggling and encouraging thought that should give us the Chizzuk and strength to truly make this day a great one. Rabba Emunasecha means “Your faith” is great. We are granted another extension on our visa in this world because Hashem believes in us. He knows we can come through today and He is willing to bet another day of life to prove it. If Hashem believes it, it must be true. No more excuses, our days can all be perfect!
