Reply To: Smoking- Graphic Images

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Firstly, as a smoker, ex-smoker and smoker again (a few times), don’t assume that most level headed people who are smokers aren’t aware of the dangers of smoking and don’t want to stop. I’d love to meet the idiot that came up with this horrible pastime to begin with. However what I don’t get is why it seems to be everyone’s mission (mostly never-smokers) to raise prices, put pictures on packs and who knows what else. True, banning smoking in indoor public places was a necessity as it could be dangerous to others. Other than that, it’s my choice to be stupid. Don’t punish us smokers for falling into the trap. Can we start campaigning in public places to put ads for soap/deoderant/showers for those that smell bad who aren’t smokers? Can we start hiking up the prices on all junk food and putting pictures of obese people and clogged arteties on the packages or in front of all the “healthy” fast food stores? ie. kosher delight, schnitzi’s, schwarma places etc. How would you all feel if the govt. would start forcing the stores to charge $20 for a burger and $10 for fries. We’d all eat healthier wouldn’t we. My point? i appreciate my loved ones or even strangers for that matter, telling me “you should quit”, but this is getting out of hand.