Reply To: Modern Orthodoxy, Chassidus, and the Rambam

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Feif Un

Helpful, how many doros has it been since R’ Soloveitchik zt”l? 2 or 3? Within 2 or 3 generations of the Baal Shem Tov, there were still many fighting against chassidus. The same thing with the Rambam. In fact, it wasn’t until tach v’tat (about 400 years after the Rambam), when many seforim were burned on the same spot the Moreh Nevuchim had been burned, that Rabbonim said it was a sign that the opponents of the Rambam were wrong.

Just wait and see about how R’ Soloveitchik’s derech is viewed. It hasn’t been long enough yet. Just realize how many gedolim came out of that system. Look at R’ Aharon Lichtenstein. It’s been said that his knowledge of Shas is on par with R’ Chaim Kanievsky. He was a talmud muvhak of the Rav zt”l.