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“Dr. Lamm, though he was merely President, and not Rosh Yeshiva”
He is Rabbi Dr. Lamm. And he was the only person to earn both semichah and a doctorate from Rav Soloveitchik.
“Zionism (nationalism he calls it) is Avodah Zorah, and so religious Zionism is nothing but Avodah Zorah mixed with religion “
Plenty of gedolim have been Zionists and we can rely on them when they argue successfully against Rav Wasserman z’tz’l.
What is your purpose in bashing gedolim? Have you ever read *Kol Dodi Dofeik*? Or anything by Rav Kook z’tz’l? Or anything by Rav Herzog z’tz’l or Rav Amital z’tz’l or Rav Lichtenstein? You never bring any arguments against anything that any actual religious Zionist has said or written, you just bring *ad hominem* attacks from a very small number of rabbis. Not once have you ever pointed out even a single problem with *Kol Dodi Dofeik*. If you think that there is one, speak up and say what it is, or shut up.