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First they will tell you that learning secular subjects is necessary for being a ben-torah; that it actually enhances your ability to remain frum, and it completes your Judaic profile. Then they will tell you that girls have to learn Gemora to counteract its poisonous effects.
The fact is that any knowledge that would shake your faith or make you weaker is prohibited to learn. And the fact also is that if you wanted to counteract secular influences, Gemora is not at all the subject matter you should be learning. You will not find anywhere in all the halachic discussion in all of Shas a discussion about why Hashem created the world, why He cares if you are religious, or anything along those lines. If you must learn Gemora for that reason, learn Ain Yaakov. But the halachic disputes about 2 people grabbing a talis of how we know how a woman is married if you give her money does not address the issues.
Until someone from the Modern Orthodox world comes up with some acceptable reason why they have a right to disregard a clear and unanimous halachah in Gemora and poskim – and so far, despite countless books and articles on the subject by Modern Orthodox and non-modern orthodox writers, not a single source has been found – we are fully obligated to hold that these institutions are not only in violation of the Halachah, but worse yet. They have officially institutionalized their halachic violation, and made it “their lifestyle”. And they are obligated not to allow it.
It is not a mere sin, it is a communal-wide agreement to commit a sin.