Reply To: Bais Yaakovs Today


Dear Think Big,

Thank you for your kind words.

To all, Yes I can sew on a button and so can my daughters. Bas yaakov did teach them as did I, they even can knit. I was taught by my mother to sew on a button (it really isn’t hard and you can figure it out) and home economics in public school (years ago). The smart alick in me says take it to the dry cleaner and have them sew it on. (I see lots of men/women take white shirts to the dry cleaner on sunday after shabbos in my frum neighborhood).

Anon, thank you for your support as you seem to have gotten my intent towards “derogitory” terms.

What I was trying to express is my 2 bais yaakov girls, teenagers, find exception to the 2 words goyim and shvatz. I am aware of the meanings of the worse as Big mentioned. I have taught my girls the meanings of the words and have told them it is not meant to be mean or cruel (One is almost 16 and the other is 14, they are 9th and 10th graders).

THEY are the ones that go to Bais Yaakov and have expressed that the terms bother them. They see it as demeaning.

I can agree the words are meant to be discriptive terms and not meant to be hurtful or harmful. But if you “thing big” can it be possible that our future generation may see it is harmful? This new generation is more sensitive to things that may not have bothered us and visa versa.

Again times are changing. What was acceptable for us long ago, is different for our future and our children including education.