Reply To: Bais Yaakovs Today


yes wolf

when a holy Jewish woman bakes for her family with the right intention it is most Holy.

when Avrohom brought the three Malachim into his home, who did he tell to prepare the food? Eliezer his servant? NO, Sorah Emeinu, a prophetess!

Food is the most tangible of all the Chasadim that Hashem created the world for to provide. If you dont understand this then you dont know how to make a Brocha over food properly.

Why was there a Shulchan with bread on it in the Bais HaMikdosh?

When a Jewish mother becomes a Partner with the Boreh in providing food to his holy children, when she realizes this, then according to Rabbi Avigdor Miller, ztl, it is MORE Holy than a Kohen bringing a Korbon.

Make letzonos about baking if you wish, another sign of the intense darkness before Moshiach.