Reply To: Bais Yaakovs Today


confession: I did not read most of the posts here so if I am repeating what was writtrn, please forgive me.

TaNaCH needs to be taught to our daughters. An understanding of the lessons and the infussion of emunah within is proper. The question is, do they need to be teste in these areas. I think that the tests and the pressure that it puts on them is a bit too much. I do not know why everything needs to be graded. I am not against testing and perhaps grammer and skills testing is sufficient.

re: Home economics (cooking, mending, baking, budgeting etc.) is needed.

ok, here is where I will probably get blasted: secular subjects – the basics: math, reading, writing and whatever else is needed for a secular diploma should be taught and tested and graded because there are many young ladies that may want to continue with a teaching degree or a thearpy degree.