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Jersey Jew

Give Me a Break,

There are numerous reasons why I wont be voting for BHO. I think you have to ask yourself which party is more in line with your personal political thinking.

Generally the liberals (aka the democratic party) is more interested in big govt which means the govt can do no wrong and the govt is the solution to all problems. What this ends up doing to the country is we have higher taxes in order to pay for all that they give away, more unemployment etc. Of course they will throw the line out to you that they are only taxing the rich but that isnt true. Given Obama’s plan no matter what he tells you he considers ‘rich” to be about 75k which even if you are making that money, as a frum person, that is not too much considering tuition etc.

If the ‘rich’ are taxed more keep in mind that its the ‘rich’ that employ you and if they are paying more in taxes you could kiss your raise or your possible bonus good bye. He also wont be hiring anyone new either which means you could be working harder for the same amount of pay.

A friend of mine recently married a girl from Britan and she was amaized that people liked this country. In the UK she noted people are so downtrodden because they pay so much in taxes so they could support all their programs, the biggest of which is national healthcare. Can you imagine the govt being in charge of when you can go to a doctor, when you can have certain medical treatments etc?? This is what the Democratic party keeps talking about. I have seen the results of nationalized healthcare, what it did to a family member of mine and I promise you its NOT good at all. No one is being denied medical care! That is simply a complete lie being told to you by the left. The proof is that the ERs are so full of people who run there for non emergencies exactly because they are not turned down in the ER!

Other items to consider are where they stand “hashkofikly” with you. Are you pro life or pro the murder of babies in the womb? Lets put it simply, open a chumash Va’yikra and whereever in Achray Mos / Kedoshim it says “NO,” the liberals say “YES.” That is the long and short of it. They stand for all the to’ayva and they are of course proud of it. As a yid I dont understand how anyone could be pro murder of babies in the womb.

Do you feel we need a strong national defense? That we need to be on the offensive when it comes to fighting the yishmaelim yemach sh’mom? That we CANNOT cut and run from a war, any war, no matter how ‘unpopular’ the war may seem to be and WE MUST DEFEAT THE ENEMY? BHO has said he will pull out of Iraq right away. We cannot do that because if we do, the enemy will grow again and they will come here AGAIN. Too many people have forgotten that the muslims STARTED UP WITH US on many occasions. They highjacked planes and flew them into the WTC!! REMEMBER THAT?????? For goodness sakes we are still in Europe and Korea despite the wars being ‘over’ 50 & 60+ years ago. You cant just leave.

Very rarly will you agree 100% with a particular candidate. My political leanings are Conservative so as much as I like President Bush, I will disagree with some of his spending habits which are not what we call fiscally conservative. I dont agree 100% with Senator McCain either especially on immigration but you have to take some of the bad with the good. I dont think he was the best Republican candidate out there but since he is left over and I learned more about him, I am supporting him.

I read your last post and I have to comment on some of your answers. Do you really feel you are not paying enough in taxes? I dont know how old you are but as I recall history the tax rate was up about 60% before being cut by President Reagan. Can you imagine losing more than 2/3 of your check just to taxes?!! To me, 33% is too much. You dont get it back because the dems will use it for some wasted program.

Affirmative Action is something which in reality is breeding racism b/c the people who dont deserve the jobs based on their credentals are getting them bec of their color. That is not fair and causes more hatred. Just the facts. The Yiddish word for Black shouldnt come into play here. Nothing will change that or the feelings people have when they see some of them (black, white, green, purple… makes no diff) running around acting like the lowest level of b’haimas.

You answered you are for the killing of babies in the womb?! So G-d gave us the wrong law there I guess?!!

Some people think they have to vote for Obama bec it will make them feel good to vote for a shvartza. I have no problem voting for a black person but NOT THIS ONE!

BTW, if you are still going to vote for OHO, please remember that Election Day is Nov 5 this year.