Reply To: Why not Obama?

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Give Me a Break


“Do you perhaps live by the bay?”

No. i aslo like long walks to shul, and carefree meals in the succah.

i enjoy freedoms you want to take away from law abiding citizens, like gun ownership, free speech, and right to put ads wherever and about whatever i want. i want to be able to keep the money i work hard for, and not give it to the government so they can mess up health care the way they have messed up education (public schools are horrible), mortgage lending (forcing freddie and fannie to give loans to “minorities” and “illegals”, that could not afford it , thanks bill clinton for that one!), retirement funds (social security is bankrupt), and now insurance (with the purchase of aig). the governement has to get out of the american business, and start doing the business of the americans!

obama is a sham! he is a marxist, and should not even be close to being the president, unless running in russia, they would love him there!