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eclipse Simcha is a good one, being happy will help improve your immune system. Thank Hashem for giving you health to do your Avodas Hashem. Vitamin D with Calcium and Magnesium with Omega 3 Fish Oils will help must be Kosher, and follow directions on the label of the bottle. Using a Neti Pot irrigating both nostrils with tepid water adding about one eighth teaspoon of sea Salt is good. Olive Leaf Extract (must be kosher) is good. Elderbery Syrup with a hechtsher is good. Echinacea, Astragalus extracts kosher are good. Cinnamon, Clove, Rosemary, Lemon, Eucalyptus Globulus or Radiata, Lemon Tea Tree Oil- all Essential Oils are anti viral. Pomegranate has alot of antioxidents which is good for boosting the immune system. Making Ginger Tea or cooking with fresh Ginger Root is good for the immune system.