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RuffRuff and Homeowner

There comes a point where one has to speak up for the sake of the Torah to protect others who read his posts and think that he knows what he is talking about.

Furthermore since almost none of us know any of us personally and I dont think any of you know Wolf, and nobody can see his face this wouldnt fall under Hamalbin Pnei Chaveiro Berabim.

If I met him in person and he was publicly lecturing his opinions on the Torah that he passes off as fact Id speak up as well and let him have it “vee is darf tzu zein.”

True the internet allows for anonymity and free expression of ones thoughts. But as Jews we understand that the concept of freedom of speech is a fallacy. One cant say what they want and certainly when it comes to Torah and Torah sages, Rishonim, Acharonim one has to be very careful what one says. Theres no Heter to have a flippant attitude towards the Avos Hakedoshim Chalila or the Rambam.

The Rabbeinu Yonah, was a fierce opponent of the Rambam’s philosophical views and is considered to have been instrumental in having the Rambam’s Moreh Nevuchim burned by the non-Jewish authorities in Paris in 1233. The tragic burning of 24 wagon loads of Gemaros that were burned in the same square by the Church in 1242, sparked Rabbeinu Yonah to regret his past views and publicly admit his terrible mistake regarding the Rambam. While he promised to go to the Rambam’s kever in Eretz Yisroel to ask Mechila he returned to Spain and died there never having made it to Eretz Yisroel.

Yet we in this generation who are Mamish Am Haaratzim Gemurim even those of us who think we know something have the Chutzpah to be flippant towards the Rambam and other Rishonim. “Pnei Hador Kipnei Hakelev” no exaggeration.