Reply To: Obama Just Doesn't Get It: It's the economy, stupid!

Home Forums Politics Obama Just Doesn't Get It: It's the economy, stupid! Reply To: Obama Just Doesn't Get It: It's the economy, stupid!


Dave Hirsch: I’m pretty sure Obama “gets it”, there’s just not much he can do about it.


“Conservatives think that if they can continue to keep the economy down, it will help defeat President Obama in 2012… And they want to obstruct all other government business in order to get their way.”

Yes, the Republicans will get in Obama’s way at every possible opportunity, just like the previous Democratic Congress did to Bush. Politics is politics, and its never pretty.

“they value tax cuts to millionaires more than relief to those who lost their jobs through no fault of their own. They are totaly hypocrites when they call for extensions of unemployment to be paid for when they are willing to spend far more on tax cuts without paying for them!”

First of all, there is a reason Republicans don’t want unemployment benefits to go up – they believe it gives people a reason not to go to work. If unemployment benefits were kept at their previous levels, they reason, more people would swallow their pride and take whatever work they could find.

Second, there is a difference between handing out money the government currently has and collecting less money from the public.

Also, the Republicans can argue that tax cuts will stimulate the economy, so more money will be collected in taxes later down the road.