Reply To: Obama Just Doesn't Get It: It's the economy, stupid!

Home Forums Politics Obama Just Doesn't Get It: It's the economy, stupid! Reply To: Obama Just Doesn't Get It: It's the economy, stupid!


charliehall wrote:


You didn’t read my comment. I gave you the answer: “Private sector employment increased last month for the tenth month in a row. “


They are increasing at a crawl. Companies are hiring now because they did not for a long while. Try asking someone who was looking for a job in 2009 (myself included). There were no jobs to be had. But even now that they are hiring, they are still hiring very very slowly.

And why are many local gov’ts not hiring and/or laying off? Because they have far less revenue than before. Remember that local (state, county, or city) gov’ts make their money from income tax, sales tax, of property tax. All of that is down.


The Dow Jones Industrial Average peaked on 1/7/2000 at 11522.56. It then declined to a low of 7891.08 on 2/28/2003 — more than a year and a half after the Bush tax cuts were enacted. So much for their efficacy at stimulating the economy.</i>

That downturn in the economy came about from a bubble bursting; tax cuts had nothing to do with it. I remember talking with a good friend of mine before the 2000 elections (as the dot coms were tanking). He is a staunch democrat, like yourself. He had the intellectual honesty to say that the next president, from either party, is going to inherit an economy that is going to falter.