Reply To: Obama Just Doesn't Get It: It's the economy, stupid!

Home Forums Politics Obama Just Doesn't Get It: It's the economy, stupid! Reply To: Obama Just Doesn't Get It: It's the economy, stupid!


“That downturn in the economy came about from a bubble bursting; tax cuts had nothing to do with it. I remember talking with a good friend of mine before the 2000 elections (as the dot coms were tanking). He is a staunch democrat, like yourself. He had the intellectual honesty to say that the next president, from either party, is going to inherit an economy that is going to falter. “

True. My point was that the tax cuts did not prevent the contined decline even after the bubble burst. And then the Bush administration and their Republican allies in Congress proceded to create an even bigger bubble that was followed by an even bigger bust.

“YOU CAN’T KEEP SPENDING MONEY YOU DON’T HAVE!!! Even a kid knows that. Who gave him the keys to the bank! No you can’t keep extending unemployment!”

All you have to do to pay for the unemployment extension is to let SOME of the Bush tax cuts expire.

“Can’t there be a sliding scale so people can go back to work and get some assistance until they are making enough to stand on their own?”

You clearly don’t understand the US welfare system today. It was completely revised under Clinton; you can’t stay on for life anymore.

“And as long as Obama keeps extending unemployment people are willing to sit back and collect it without attempting to go back into the workforce.”

You clearly don’t understand unemployment compensation, either: You have to be actively seeking work in order to get it.

“Those who are working as the taxes go up and up when they try to bring down the deficit.”

Uh, actually Obama’s stimulus plan included numerous tax cuts. It also included a lot of aid to state and local governments so that they would not have to raise taxes. Today the Republicans are preventing an extension of this aid.