Reply To: Obama Just Doesn't Get It: It's the economy, stupid!

Home Forums Politics Obama Just Doesn't Get It: It's the economy, stupid! Reply To: Obama Just Doesn't Get It: It's the economy, stupid!


Thank you mods, that was bothering me; I have no issue with the actual post (even though it is not true).

To Fabie:

Yasher Koach to you for agreeing to the right thing even though you personally lost out. It is one of my pet peeves (and the point of a reccent article in Cross Currents by R’ Yitzchok Adlerstein regarding immigration) regarding how people don’t realize how they benefit from the laws that they deride other people getting benefits from (such as welfare, and the thousands of Kollel families that would starve without it).

Once again, Yasher Koach. May you continue in the Derech HaYashar.