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After years of yoyo dieting and even almost starvation diets (which I gained and ballooned on) I finally went to a doctor and found out it was a metabolic problem connected to other medical issues that was happening to me. Who knew that if you stop eating your body stores fat and you gain?

So now I am on medication from my doctor, and with his help the fat is coming off. I am still not eating enough or it would come off faster. But he really found out what was going on with me and made sense of everything. I am down about 30 lbs. since May and around a 12/14. He told me stress is also a factor and not sleeping is also a factor. So I’m really, really trying. My friends are not too supportive because they have no rachmonos on someone who stares at the fridge and can’t choose what to eat. Or someone who in my case forgets to eat all day. Yeah sounds strange and wierd, but the doctor says if I don’t fuel my metabolism, it ain’t going to work.

So we each have our own pekel, but for those skinny people who look down on others for being heavy. You never should judge because you don’t know if it is medical or just a lack of will power.