Reply To: What I Learned From My Troubled Teen

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SmileyFace –

You (and people like yourself) are one of the main reasons I post here. Not every post is directed to you, and perhaps not every post is relevant to you (and perhaps not every post is something you agree with).

But every post I write is prefaced with this:

Is what I’m about to write going to inspire people? Is this the advise I would give a friend? My own child? My spouse? If so, I write it. If not, I reconsider it, becuase I never know who will read what I write. And while I may not be able to inspire everyone, a mis-placed comment, a mean-spirted comment may just be the thing that turns someone off.

Not sure if you’ll read this, or comment on it, but hopefully someone will read it and think about how careful they need to be when writing.

(natch, my sarcastic jokes are not included in the above, but that’s made obvious from the thread its noted on, that its not serious)

Anyways, glad to see that you benefitted from the post (even if it wasn’t mine)