Reply To: Nancy Pelosi is Right – The Deal is No Deal: Make the Tax-Cuts Permanent

Home Forums Politics Nancy Pelosi is Right – The Deal is No Deal: Make the Tax-Cuts Permanent Reply To: Nancy Pelosi is Right – The Deal is No Deal: Make the Tax-Cuts Permanent


Actually, it did. The economy has been growing since June 2009.

“Obama passed stimulus bills and an overhaul on healthcare that was largely seen as anti-business. “

The healthcare bill was basically a bailout of the health insurance industry. That isn’t anti-business. Neither was the bailout of the auto industry.

“The deficit is an imminent threat to our future and those of our children.”

No, it isn’t. Interest rates remain at historic lows. There is no inflation except for a few cartel-controlled commodities such as petroleum; the problem in much of the US is DEflation. We actually need some inflation to get homeowners out from under water and the deficit can help.

“The Laffer Curve suggests that a tax cut can actually increase tax revenue.”

There has yet to be such a tax cut.

This exposes your ignorance on economics. “Might” spend it??? Have you ever been unemployed, with no savings? The tax cuts to businesses and zillionaires will get stashed away (as you mention, companies are hoarding cash) while tax cuts to the poor and unemployment insurance gets spent, increasing consumer demand and giving businesses a reason to produce.