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“I have 3 friends whom are divorced (after being married for less than a year) and each of them, their spouses came from divorced homes”

That is indeed a troubling statistic.

But by in large, I wouldnt hold a parents failed marriage against their child. There are some people who grow up in a split home who vow that they will do everything in their power to be the best spouse that they can, and they are.

When looking in to a shidduch (and L-rd knows how good everyone is at that) it is important to focus ON THE PERSON! Yes, you need to look into the family as well, but at the end of the day you arent marrying his/her mother or father you are marrying him/her, and this goes both ways. The parents could be the nicest people on earth but their child could be a rotten grape so, I think in the end you have to focus on the individual most of all.