Reply To: Kid drivers

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Back to the topic….when OUR kids got their license at 18, we told them they are not allowed to have “passengers” till their 6 month probation is up. That also gave us an opportunity to make sure they were good drivers and confident behind the wheel.

If parents do not allow their kids to get in a car with “teen” drivers they have a very good reason for it. The reason being is that they want to keep their children safe and they don’t want to get into machlokes with other Jews. If c”v there is an accident, the driver and their parents will be sued!

As a parent WE have the right to keep our children safe. WE do not have control over whether your chld will go behind your back and do what you told them now to do. However it is very good chinuch to teach them what is safe and what isn’t. So if you make it very clear why you are making that rule as well as the fact that if anything c”v happened you will sue his friend and their parents and they choose to take that chance, you can’t be faulted if and when that happens.

Believe me, before a kid hops into a car with another friend knowing that their parents may sue the pants off of him and his parents, he does think twice.