Reply To: If You Could Be ANYONE For One Day,Who Would It Be?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee If You Could Be ANYONE For One Day,Who Would It Be? Reply To: If You Could Be ANYONE For One Day,Who Would It Be?


Hopefully not Moses Mendelssohn….. , this is YWN you know….

I think I might want to be someone who is suffering so that the next day I can appreciate what I really have and all the brachos HKB”H has granted me. But then again, I really don’t want to be anyone besides me. I am me and I am glad for that! I wouldn’t trade my life for anyone else’s!

Isn’t there a medresh or something that someone complained about their chelek in life and they were shown a picture of everyone tossing a little pekela into a pile and then choosing one they wanted (it was a package that consisted of all the good and bad parts of their life….all the troubles and all the simchos). Everyone ended up choosing their own because that is what we are meant to have and it is the only thing we can really deal with without collapsing!