Reply To: Opening the Car Door for Your Date

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Why does everything have to be twisted into a goyish versus yiddish concept. Good manners is just plain good middos. Courtesy, is just plain good middos. What is acceptable behavior is proper and acceptable behavior whether it is happening in the goyish world or the yiddish world. If YOU choose to call in Romantic or Chivalrous that is YOUR label for it. The rest of us are labeling it Good Manners and Good middos! It is polite for a man to open a door, it is polite for a man to pull out a chair, it is polite for a man to carry the bags, it is polite for a man, to lift the heavy objects, it is polite for a man to ask the woman what she would like and it is the man’s obligation to protect the woman.

I remember that Reb Moshe and Rav Pam, treated their wive’s with the utmost respect and to use your words, chivalry. To me they were the best role models of how to be a good husband.