Reply To: Best way to deal with a colicky infant

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“Promise of cash reward for stopping”

My Father-in-Law, when our first child was around two, whipped out a dollar to try to get him to stop crying after he banged his head… Yeah, didn’t really work.

We’ve had three very “colicky” babies and have tried every method around. I have to absolutely agree with swaddling. Look up how to swaddle, as it’s not just wrapping your baby in a blanket. My children liked to be TIGHT in that blanket with no wiggle room. We also used a “moby wrap” carrier which worked great both around the house while doing chores and while out.

Definitely keep calm as others have said. Babies are smarter than we give them credit for 🙂 They can pick up on subtle (and not so subtle!) cues in your breathing, voice, etc.