Reply To: Palinmania: Please, Not Another Obama

Home Forums Politics Palinmania: Please, Not Another Obama Reply To: Palinmania: Please, Not Another Obama

Dave Hirsch

Dave, are you running for office :-)? Are you practicing to set up a right-wing political blog?

I hate to disillusion you, but there are still plenty of Democrats in our circles.

We don’t make as much noise – or usually write such long posts – but we’re here.

And some of us are doing content analysis on some of the more enthusiastic “redstate” posts because we want to understand a mindset that’s so totally removed from the reality of the country.

I don’t know where to start repudiating Dave Hirsh’s refudiation, as it is so wrong in so many ways. So I’ll start with a few points.

former Delaware senatorial candidate Christine O’Donnell does not understand the difference between (a) the words and meaning of the US constitution, and (b) a short-hand phrase to refer to a provision of the US constitution.

Second: your discussion of Obama’s youthful drug use. I stand by my explanation, i.e., he was youthful and youths do stupid things

“other legal substances” refers to alcohol: that is dead wrong outside Utah. Maybe you are from Utah, in which case I can forgive the confusion.

Mr. Obama’s intellectual gifts, education and experience

That does not per se mean he would be a good president

I’m not even counting W, because he did not win his first election

As for Ms. Palin’s experience, being mayor of a village of 9,000 people, or governor of a state of 600,000 (which state receives substantial federal aide and has oil tax revenue that enables it to pay cash subsidies to its citizens) is hardly adequate preparation for governing a nation of 308,000 000 people

and Ms. Palin’s policy statements (e.g., I can see Russia) hardly indicate that she learned anything on the job.

As between Mr. Obama and Ms. Palin, there is no comparison between their personal qualities as to who is better equipped to fulfill the duties of the office.

Mr. Obama’s primary opponents in 2008 had other interests in suggesting that he was not the best person for the job.