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the big bang is an absolute scientific fact..IF and ONLY IF you do not grant god a variable. the age attributed to the universe is such because of scientists calculations of the shifting of the cosmos. they reached the conclusion that based on that shift the earth must have originated from a “big bang” (which was not the term originally used, it was actually a term coined to discredit the theory) and they calculated the distance traveled and the time it must have taken.

now ill grant that it seems to be the most rational and sensible theory in existence, UNLESS you grant a supernatural being as a possible variable. this supernatural being could have created the cosmos as they were and set them to shift thus skewing those calculations. the speed of the shifts set forward by this supernatural being would in fact mislead one to believe that the universe was older than it actually is, thus leading to the more rational theory of the big bang.

but here is the flaw in the argument, and where you have to decide where you stand. if it’s rational to the core you’re looking for then then youre at odds with faith. faith is not and cannot be rational. no matter how much logic you use to explain religion there comes a point where you hit a brick wall. that brick wall being blind faith. so yes, to accept an alternate, logical explanation of the origins of teh world you do in fact have to be a bit irrational in its foundation. but that is the question…do you in fact believe?

PS: for the sake of disambiguation…i am not talking about deism here, only theism. more specifically judaism as practiced by the orthodox. i dont need anyone here taking what i said out of context.