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I’m not sure if I missed a crucial post but you seem to be suggesting that the age of the universe/the evolution of man (and everything else) is as the scientists suggest they are.

This is problematic in my opinion as “ein hamikra yotzei midei pshuto”. The Torah describes a 7 day creation that began right before the creation of man 5,771 years ago. While it is true that there are psukim that are understood on an allegorical level that doesn’t negate its poshut pshat.

While I have no problem with micro-evolution, the Gemarah itself even brings cases of it (ie the story with Hillel on Friday). Macro-evolution is problematic in my opinion. The speciation that scientists have recorded are not recognized from a Torah perspective as we don’t differentiate between ‘the orange toad’ and ‘the purple toad’. This also would require billions of years that science needs for us to reach our modern incarnation.

I did not know that a ‘young universe looking old” originated by goyim as I came up with it on my own. That fact that goyim came up with something doesn’t rule out its ability to be correct.