Reply To: Thank You Hashem for Global Warming

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Josh31 is correct on both points. You can’t definitively attribute any one storm or event to global warming. It is the long term trend that is clear.

And indeed too-draconian restrictions on energy use could potentially have a severe effect on economic productivity. That would be insane. But reasonable restrictions and/or higher taxes on fossil fuel use will improve the environment, create jobs in countries that have few energy resources (and the US now falls into that category as essentially all of our easy-to-reach oil reserves have been drilled out), and reduce the power of the oil-wealthy anti-Semites in Latin America and the Arab world. There is really no downside here and I don’t understand why more Jews don’t realize this.

Regarding Dave Hirsch’s call for more facts and figures, with a quick internet search will find many time series that clearly show the warming — and none that don’t. Anything prior to about 1880 is based on limited data and/or imputation from descriptions of climates. After about 1980 we also have satellite temperature data. Further evidence is the melt of sea ice, retreat of glaciers, and the advancing of deserts, all of which have been well documented.