Reply To: Remembering Our Zeida's and Bubbe's who were murdered Al Kiddush Hashem

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Remembering Our Zeida's and Bubbe's who were murdered Al Kiddush Hashem Reply To: Remembering Our Zeida's and Bubbe's who were murdered Al Kiddush Hashem

Sister Bear

To be proud of being Jewish, just like the people who went to their deaths singing.

To love Hashem even if the going gets tough. ( put out an amazing video called inoculations. Watch it, its amazing and describes pain!!)

I know someone who moved to Germany to do kiruv, she told her grandmother who had lost her siblings and parents in the war that it was the best revenge. She is bringing Jews back to Torah and having a beautiful Jewish family in the place where Hitler wanted to eradicate Judaism.