Reply To: Pastrami over Rice for Shabbos Dinner Appetizer

Home Forums Kosher Cooking! Recipes Shabbos Recipes Friday Night Seudah Pastrami over Rice for Shabbos Dinner Appetizer Reply To: Pastrami over Rice for Shabbos Dinner Appetizer


can i just say… Eeeeeew! impressive cooking for a guy tho. whyja hafta sautee the pastrami? wouldnt that just dry it out..? ur experimental recipe reminds me of one that is similar but doesnt creep me out: 1 can jellied cranberry sauce, 1 can ketchup, meatballs: (abridged version for men) 1-buy meat 2-roll into balls

i think that would be alot more apetizing served over rice than something that s/o wouldnt know wat it was if served to them.

or: heated up mustard and brown sugar is an awesome sauce- just please dont chop up the pastrami slices