Reply To: roaches and landlords

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Don’t wait!

Do NOT spray!

Do not use boric acid as it IS an acid and is dangerous for kids to touch, – plus it only works IF the roaches happen to go where you put it.

***Go get a tube ( a syringe actually) of roach bait gel. (Most supermarkets, drug stores or Home Depots have it).

This will ATTRACT the roaches to it, since they see it as food.

Put out little dabs or lines of it where you saw the roaches.

The roaches take the bait back to where the mishpacha is hiding and it kills them all. It may take a few days, but it works!

REPEAT: Do not spray insecticide -or even any cleaning sprays (like Fantastik) -near where you put the gel. Would YOU eat a food if it had been sprayed with Fantastik – neither will the roaches.

You can trust me on this one. It WORKS!