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” every day I wonder what Im doing in BP. “

OfCourse –

I don’t know your particular circumstances, but in my case, I am still here because despite all the drawbacks and compromises and changes I and my family needed to make, it was done because there were enough reasons to stay.

Still, there’s a greater than 98% chance that we’ll be in Lakwood before the decade is over (unless Yerusholayim is 1st) and the big bldg on 14th ave? May still have the BY name on it, but managament, staff and students will be a whole ‘nother story.

Funny thing is, the bldg on 15th ave is already occupied by one of the chassidishe powerhouses as a weekend rental, so they are closer to takeover than many realize.

And for those who forgot history, Williamsburg (yes, that williamsburg) was at one point non-chassidish.

The demographics changed and the shift in power was not far behind.

And as far as “consulting the gedolim” most likely the new board did. They just consulted different gedolim than you and I consult.

Either way, its their wallet, so they get to speak loudest.