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I found that the mharsha in chidushei agados in chulin 109b, is bothered by with what I was assuming, he explains that one might have thought that all these things that have somthing similar why are they muttar, lichora if hashem wanted it to be assur, for example he gives like blood the genorah in maakos says is miyus, so then why would a liver be muttar? and the same should apply with milk and meat, and on this he goes on to explain that there is no reason why things are assur, rather only because it is mitzvas hamlech, annd thet we are commanded so. But I still doubt that one will find any rov eating a fake cheese burger. Just note that that she was told to eat the utter which has no connection to milk and meat but the taste, I am curious if fake chesse was around in those days if she would be told to et a chesse burger.