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Wolf – I did not mean it literally, I meant that if the torah assured Milk and Meat than why does one have to find a loophole to eat it together? “

Do you utilize the local eruv or use pareve creamer? If not, then read no further. But if you do, then you need to let these ideas sink in.

Every frum person who answers the way you did, makes the same mistake. The Torah assered the mixing of milk and meat. PERIOD. It did NOT asser the mixing of kosher pareve items that merely resemble meat, with cheese, nor did it asser mixing pareve items that resemble dairy foods with real meat. Trying to argue that Hashem must have had a reason for the issur, makes no logical sense here. His reason was only regarding actual meat and dairy. You are making assumptions that do not exist, and that is how a lot of chumros come to be observed, that have no real basis in halacha.

It’s not a matter of loopholes. Hashem told us what the law is. If there is a way to do something without breaking the law, it is not a loophole, it is a different law.