Reply To: Doctor in Miami

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Aries -It’s called a Snowbird. You don’t need a pulmonologist. You’re wasting your time and your money. Go see a PCP! Do you have fever, aches, shakes, chills or night sweats? Have you been getting progressively worse or are you just coughing? You definitely should go to a doctor, but if you answered no to all the above, I posted before most cases of bronchitis are viral. If it’s viral, antibiotics aren’t indicated. Breathing in steam, drinking hot clear liquids and using a vaporizer or a cold humidifier at night will help you get over it quicker. I’d also just lay in the sun all day, since you’re in Miami. Just don’t forget to use sunscreen and drink a lot of liquids (Cool or hot).

Ask your friends there who they use for a PCP, you can even just use a neighborhood clinic. Most cases of viral bronchitis, by two weeks you are feeling better, but you have this nagging cough. If you’re still bringing up stuff, do the things above. If the cough is dry & hacking, you can try an OTC cough remedy containing dextromethorphan. There are also Rx products for coughs like codeine/hydrocodone syrup. These will help you sleep at night.