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Then we should attend their schools in large numbers and take over the school making it essentially a Jewish city school. The same way the Spanish, Chinese, blacks dominate entire schools in their districts. We would then have control over how the school is run.

Such a plan is legal and, in theory, may work. In practice, however, it won’t, for several reasons:

First of all, the largest problem you’re going to face is that the public school *still* won’t teach Torah. People are NOT going to pull their kids out of yeshiva and put them in an environment where no Torah is taught… even if it’s free.

Second, consider the exclusive nature of many yeshivos today. They keep kids out because they don’t fit the exact mold of the school — if the kid wears the wrong kippah, the wrong color shirt, shows any interest in any sports, reads the wrong books, whatever. And this is because the parents in the school want it this way. They don’t want their “Moshe” or “Shlomo” or “Chavi” associating with kids who read Harry Potter or have a television or whatever. They are ultra-concerned about what outside influences their kids are exposed to. Do you *really* think that these same parents are going to enroll their kids in a public school with non-Jews*?

The Wolf

* Even if you take control of the school board, you *still* can’t keep non-Jews (or anyone else for that matter) out of your classroom. Your little girl could end up sitting next to a devout Catholic, a Hindu, a Muslim, a strident atheist or a Satanist — and there’s nothing you can do about it.