Reply To: Chosson Card on Display – WDYT?

Home Forums Shidduchim Chosson Card on Display – WDYT? Reply To: Chosson Card on Display – WDYT?


“I often leave small love notes on heart-shaped Post-Its around the house for Eeees. When she finds them, she hangs them up in the kitchen. Currently the entire doorframe leading from the kitchen to the dining room is covered in them. She says that it reminds her. :)”

Total lack fo tznius. Do people see this when they visit yur house?

The poskim all agree that things of affectin between manand wife should be kept as little as possible and even then what theyre is should be kept private. Writing love notes is goyish and chukas akum. Keeping them out in plain veiw is a total lack of tznius, and oiver on lifnei iver and kedoshim tihiyu.