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Oh come on. Find me ten people that actually got a heter me’ah rabbanim. I don’t know statistics, but I assume it isn’t very common. In fact, in halacha the man is not called a b’yado l’garsha ba’al korcha, (See Rema E.H. 178) so clearly this heter is not very accessible.

Funny story; I once had a farher at a yeshiva and had to tell the Rosh Yeshiva a shtickel, and I said over a vort based around this Rema. He was very attentive and asked a few questions. At the end he asked me how I came to this sugya. I told him from the last mishnah in Nedarim. Suddenly I realized that this Rosh Yeshiva himself was once very involved in a heter me’ah rabbanim, v’day l’meivin. Well, he let me in, but it was quite an awkward moment for me that I am not going to forget.